is one quote that will be unmasked behind the title 'Buy Indonesia'
above; "big nation has always underpinned by economic power and private
power." That presumably two elements necessary condition if you want to make Indonesia as a great nation. Indonesia's economic growth rate of 7% on the year, should not be a thing to be proud. How
difficult would it be like if the eye is slightly turned and saw a
country that had once been a period with Indonesia are at the time zero,
namely Japan, which Japan has now become a developed country, not only
in Asia but also the world level. What causes the loss of our dreams about a time when Indonesia has become a major country?.
Remember the economic colonization (monopoly) by the VOC for 350 years in Indonesia country?. Yes,
the actual VOC was the one that had been colonized Indonesia, not the
Netherlands as what has been told by grandma-great-grandson of us
(except Suriname islands were colonized by the Dutch government itself).
VOC is a trade organization that regulates all forms of economic activity and related matters therein. When compared with an institution now, VOCs such as BUMN. That
is why the occupation took place 350 years, because it is not a country
which colonized Indonesia but a trade organization. The
Dutch government is only in charge of protecting the VOC against
disturbances, such as sending troops, weapons, and so forth. Because the Dutch government is to make profits (tribute) that many of the VOC. If
that colonize Indonesia is a country, it can certainly be a short
period of occupation, such as the Portuguese and Japanese occupation.
Relation to the issues above, that is exactly what led to Indonesia can not be a great country. Indonesia was colonized by the system of economy that almost every field has been dominated by foreign markets. Is not this like the colonial VOC as it used to?. Great nation is a nation that is able to dominate the market. But
what happens 80% of the pharmaceutical (medicines Indonsia) produced by
foreigners, 80% of Indonesian textiles held by foreigners and 92%
technology (communications, etc..) Controlled by foreigners as well.
Now what Indonesaia proud of?. what because Indonesia can buy Boeing aircraft owned as much as possible?. or can buy Sukhoi?. or also because Indonesia is one country where the establishment of branch factories giant company?. Is not that is like VOCs but the new faces?. Do
we not realize that 40% of foreign companies such as 'Uniliver' market
stand in Indonesia and managed to earn a profit of 40 trillion annually
in the Indonesian market. Foreigners
have also been in charge of 80% of local farmers and managed to sell
7.2 liters of milk per year with a profit of 10 Trillion. In the field of cosmetics, too, foreign companies make a profit of 2.1 trillion annually. Please search in google you calm peusahan products owned foreign markets are spread across the Indonesian economy.
This paper is not intended to interfere readers to hate foreign products-nothing-. But just to encourage the reader to think about Indonesia, about our country that will not be a great country. Let
us nurture the souls Entrepreneurship in our minds as the initial
intention to turn, builds the Indonesian economy in the future. It's time people motherland regained the local Indonesian market, as a means to making Indonesia the country forward and Large. And participation of the people of Indonesia in general for always and always buy original products in Indonesia. that's what I mean from the "Buy Indonesia".
# Follow up .....!!!!Writer By: Hasan SuryawanMembers of the Institute of Studies, Research and Development of Students (LKP2M) UIN Maliki Malang.NB: Resources writing of the results of the study a few days ago by Gus Fauz (author of the book on PT. Scholastic)
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